Unity 2025, Theme Background Info

Sowing Seeds for a New Harvest
The theme of the conference, Sowing Seeds for a New Harvest, is rooted in the gospel reading of the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A). The gospel reading begins with the parables of the grain and the weeds, the mustard seed, and the leaven, before ending with the explanation of the grain and the weeds. The kingdom of heaven on earth survives amid a world darkened by many forms of sin. Christians are called to discern how to cope with, resisting the temptation to collude with, the reality of sin all around them.
The sessions of the conference are being designed to respond to the centrality of the gospel message for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. For this reason, the major sessions are focused on the black apostolate’s (1) engagement in social justice to seek moral reform of society; (2) examination of the new pastoral letter against racism, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love; (3) acceptance of the charge to become missionary disciples; and (4) exploration of the intimate union between evangelization and liturgy, giving rise to ensuring the liturgical celebration addresses the joys, hopes, griefs, and anxieties of the Christian faithful with due regard to black tradition